- Explain how will you o'haul a fuel injecton
- Explain how you will change gland packing of a pump.
- Ows starting procedure?
- Cylinder head overhaul procedure? sewage treatment plant type and function and air blower pressure and if ur air blower is not working what u wil do?
- Air compressor manual starting? safties in air compressor?
- Bilge pump not taking suction what is the reason? steering gear safeties? emergency steering gear starting test procedure? how many phones in steering gear what is the type of phone in steering gear?
- Types pump ...and place of using this pumps? centrifugal pump overhaul?
- What is a SDNR valve?
- How do you o'haul a globe valve?
- How does a gate valve work?
- If a gate valve is stuck, what could be the reason?
- How is a job centered on a chuck in a lathe
- What safety precautions will you take if working on a lathe?
- What is a reamer? Where is it used?
- How does a Quick closing valve work?
- How do you reset a QC valve after operation?
- Is there any difference between relief valve and safety valve?
- Explain how will you prepare for Bunkering?
- How do you set tappet clearance?
- What are the steps to take after a blackout at sea?
- How do you pressure test a fuel vale?
- How will you replace an exhaust valve seat?
- How do you install a bearing on a shaft?
- How do you specify pipe size?
- What do the numbers on bearings mean?
- What is the common size between different schedules of a pipe?
- If an A/E does not start what will be your action?
- Your action if T/C is surging?
- Why is a Steam trap used in condensate return lines?
- How is gas cutting done?
- How many valves are there on a gas-cutting torch?
- How do you light a gas-cutting torch and adjust the flame?
- How do you set up a new pipe for welding?
- What is GPR/GPO/LH electrodes?
- How do you select the correct current setting for welding?
- Crank pin brg clearance
- Telescopic feeler gauge
- Piston removal procedure
- Welding defects?
- Bridge gauge main brg clearance
- How does a Stud extractor work?
- How does a chain block work?
- What are the safeties on cargo cranes ?
- What are the safeties on ER crane?
- How is the load controlled during lowering?
- How is the E/R crane load tested?
- Fuel valve not coming out?
- Setting exhaust valve timing
- Pumps o'haul?
Incinerator alarms and trips?
- Crankcase relief door and oil mist detector
- Reasons for short cycling?
- Procedure for charging refrigerant.
- How will u come to know AE LO is contaminated.Reasons for contamination with water by inspecting only generator?
- Tests carried on board for AE LO contamination with water?
- Least count of vernier calliper. How to find it?
- Boiler water low low level alarm.What actions to be taken.why u shld not feed the water immediately after stopping the boiler.
- Hydrophore pump running continuously what are the reasons , procedure for charging air in the system?
- When blackout happens emg generator comes in action, Draw circuit diagram for that( Ckt diag. betwn main bus bar and emg generator)
- Checks on motor,draw diagram showing how megger test is carried out.
- Type of drill bits?
- Types of threads?
- Pipe schedule?
- Important dimensions of flanges? Types of flanges?
- Indications of scavenge fire? What action will you take?
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